Chelsea Handler and Joan Rivers call each other out

Vanessa Soldano

Comedians Chelsea Handler and Joan Rivers are not laughing at each others cheap shots.

The Huffington Post reports that comedian, and late night TV host, Chelsea Handler appeared on Howard Stern this Monday where she mocked Joan Rivers when asked what she thought about recent criticism about her given by the Fashion Police host. "Joan Rivers? What the f**k do I care about Joan Rivers? ... I don't think about her ever" she said.

In response Rivers said "I don't know her but the few times we've met she's been very grand and very happy to be Chelsea...I mean come on, you're lucky you've got a mouth. I just don't like people who think they're terrific." The UK's Daily Mail also reports Rivers calling Handler a 'whore,' and a 'drunk.'

Being that the two both have TV shows on E!, they have met each other a few times at events. The Huffington Post also reports that there was an event where Handler was extremely rude to the Fashion Police crew, so much so that Kelly Osbourne, fellow fashion "police officer," kicked a table so hard that she injured her leg.

These comedians need a few martinis and a good joke book. Women in the industry should stick together! Even more so in comedy. Hopefully they can work things out and have a laugh.
