Chelsea Handler slams Angelina Jolie
People News
Apr 24, 2012, 1:27 GMT
Chelsea Handler
Chelsea Handler believes Angelina Jolie is 'the opposite of a girl's girl'.
The 37-year-old 'Chelsea Lately' star - who is good friends with Angelina's fianc Brad Pitt's ex-wife Jennifer Aniston - says she doesn't consider the 'Tomb Raider' actress to be someone she could be friends with.
She said: 'You just know as a woman when you see another woman if that's a woman you can trust. She doesn't strike me as someone I would have a close friendship with.'
Meanwhile, she has just reunited with Chateau Marmont hotelier Andre Balasz following a five-month split.
Chelsea told America's More magazine: 'We just got back together literally yesterday. We had dated for nine months, a long distance relationship with all the stresses and travelling and running around.
'Balasz came to me and said, 'I think we have to try to make this work again'. And I agreed because we're madly in love.'
Famed for her love of vodka, the chat-show host insists she doesn't consume half as much alcohol as people think.
She said: 'I don't drink as much as I should - or as much as people think I do. It's more for diet than the actual drinking thing.'
But she admits she would hate to develop an addiction because then she would have to give up drinking for life.
She added: 'I don't ever want to abuse something so much that I'm forced to give it up. And that's why I'm only going to have seven margaritas after this interview.'
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