100% TStorms

Chelsea Handler, a titan in the world of entertainment and the only female host of a late night talk show.

She's known for her harsh words, thoughts, even opinions... perhaps why she's become so famous.

But as they say, all roads lead to Arkansas and back in 2008, Handler added an Arkansan to her staff and since then, Sarah Colonna has taken off and recently released a book detailing her life's journey.

"I always said that i was gonna go be an actress" Colonna says,"At the u of a, I studied theater which I'm sure was riveting for everyone..."

"Two months after I graduated, I packed up a uhaul and left and I'm surprised my mom didn't throw herself in front of it."

It was in Los Angeles that Sarah signed up for an improv class... and there, she met Chelsea Handler.

In 2008, Handler added her classmate to the staff.

She has since traveled the country with her stand up routine and has recently written a book that Wednesday, Colonna found out has made the New York Times Best Seller list.

Colonna hopes that for people that get the book, they take away a lesson of acceptance.

As for any Arkansans looking to get into comedy, she has one message.

"When someone tells you you aren't funny, remember one thing," says Sarah, "You're From Arkansas... and that's always funny"
