5 Reasons Why Rick Ross and Chelsea Handler Would Make An Awesome Power Couple

Before Rick Ross said a single word during his appearance on Chelsea Lately last week, Chelsea Handler had something she wanted to say to him. So, she took a seat on his lap, let Ross rub her shoulders, and proclaimed, "I love big, black men!"

And, just like that, we thought, "Wow, how awesome would it be if Ricky Rozay and 50 Cent's former fling ever hooked up?!" And, our thoughts only multiplied during the interview as Ross and Handler flirted playfully, joked about the time Handler had "promised" Ross sex, and even talked about what it'd be like if they ever ended up in the sack together. They might make for an odd couple, but one thing is clear: If these two ever got together, they'd also make for one amazing power couple.

We say that because, even though their relationship probably wouldn't last very long, we get the feeling they'd give us tons of headlines during their time together thanks to their explosive personalitie s. So, with that in mind, we put together a list of the 5 Reasons Why Rick Ross and Chelsea Handler Would Make An Awesome Power Couple. Any chance you guys would really give it a shot? Please?
